Articles & Trends


Shopify Commerce Trends in 2023

Expectations of brands grow as consumer behavior changes

Environmental, social, and governance concerns influence about half of global consumers.


2023 E-Commerce Trends

Mobile sales made up 58.9% of digital sales. The convenient, comfortable and contactless nature of online shopping is here to stay.


Great use of AI that improves and predicts wine purchases. Tantry is a pioneer in the field of sensory science and AI.

Why Gen Z Sees Straight Through Your Marketing Efforts

  • only 8% of the Gen Z thinks brands actually understand them.

  • 82% of Gen Zs research a brand before making a purchase

  • 99% of Gen Zers also prioritize their mental health more than their career and education, and this generation looks for brands that align with that mentality.

The User-Generated Content Marketing Stats You Need to Know in 2022

Key takeaways

  • 72% of consumers believe that reviews and testimonials submitted by customers are more credible than the brand talking about their products.

  • 76% of consumers have purchased a product because of someone else’s recommendation before.

  • 63% of consumers believe that visual testimonials are more credible than written testimonials.

  • When emails contain user-generated content, click-through rates increase by about 73% and produce more conversions.

  • 20% of retail, e-commerce, and consumer goods and services companies are personalizing emails based on gender, race, ethnicity.

The Future of Commerce and Retail Trends Report by Shopify:

Key takeaways

  • Direct-to-consumer competition is rising

  • Advertising costs are skyrocketing across platforms

  • Brand building is helping attract and retain customers

  • Consumers are demanding personalized shopping experiences,

  • Personalization isn’t a magic bullet for customer engagement

  • Social platforms are presenting new ways to engage customers

  • Video is making social commerce more sociable

Webinar: Using TripAdvisor to Recruit Winery Customers by Pierre Costa - Somm Digital

Watch Webinar online

Webinar: How to use TripAdvisor ads to get new customers.

This was a webinar that I did for the Colorado Wine Board - April/2021

Current Trends

78% of consumers’ purchases are impacted by companies’ social media posts.

72% of wineries don’t know how wine apps (Vivino & Delectable) impact their business.

53X Google gives preference to video content, pages with videos are more likely to show up in the first position of search results.

70% of Instagram users are under 34 years old and 70% of Pinterest users are women.

Wine Ecommerce channel share 2020

eCommerce channel share

A study published by Wolfgang Digital shows that among all digital channels, Search is the most relevant across them. It is responsible for 67% of the entire e-commerce channel share with a similar split between paid and organic. Social media only impacts 4% on e-commerce.


How Wineries Can Capitalize on Clubhouse

This article features strategies for wineries to use the new social media platform Clubhouse.


Crafting Digital Marketing for the US Wine Industry

An infographic about the current stats of the wine industry digital marketing adoption.


Status of Digital Marketing Strategies of U.S. Wineries

Are You Selling Enough Wine Online? Status of Digital Marketing Strategies of U.S. Wineries. This research was published in collaboration with Sonoma State University about the current digital marketing strategies adopted by the wineries in the United States.